Fall Conference Update 2020

Fall Conference Update 2020

The Lord met with us powerfully during the Fall SAVE NEW ENGLAND Conference! We held the conference by faith not knowing what to expect with COVID-19. With each state’s different restrictions and every community’s various levels of exposure, it would have...
Symptoms Of A Sick Church

Symptoms Of A Sick Church

How can you tell if your church is sick or dying? As we anticipated the first Sunday of January 2020, many pastors in New England spoke to their churches about a “2020 Vision” for the New Year. However, not one of us envisioned that our churches, cities, and even our...
Church Planting Men

Church Planting Men

As I travel around the country preaching, I often ask myself, where are the young men with pioneer spirits? It has been my heart’s joy to start churches all over Maine since moving there in January of 1996. The vision that I had when I left North Carolina of what God...
10 Tips For A Healthy Body

10 Tips For A Healthy Body

An unhealthy body hinders your service for God. It’s hard to be spiritual when you feel lousy. It’s difficult to change the world when your body aches. What if you could make small changes with a tremendous impact on your health? Ponder these life-...
Healthy Fruit

Healthy Fruit

Take a good look in the mirror of the Word of God and see what kind of fruit you are producing. Is it the type of fruit that God ordained to remain? There is no doubt that these challenging times make it difficult to accomplish God’s work and ensure that our...