Save New England is entering its fifth year of existence. God’s blessings have been evident and abundant. The Lord is expanding our ministry to new levels of influence and effectiveness.

In order to take the next step, we are providing the opportunity for churches and individuals to partner with us to save our region and influence America for Christ.

Men of God in New England have always had a desire to start more churches. They have long understood that every community needs a Bible preaching, soul winning church.

Save New England provided a framework to accomplish the Great Commission in an area that once had the Gospel, but had lost it long ago.

Save New England

A handful of pastors and churches stepped out by faith to see what God would do. We

acknowledged that if God did not breathe on the ministry that it would come to naught. We decided to take baby steps to see if God would bless. Praise His name! He has blessed our simple efforts! So much so, that we need help to continue to fulfill our mission and step through all the doors that God is opening.

Our quarterly magazine has been accepted beyond our expectations.

Regional churches enjoy a publication for them. Bible college students receive it learning about the needs and opportunities in our area. Preachers around the country are inspired by the good happening here.

Even though we began accepting limited advertising and with some churches buying copies for their congregation, we must raise money each quarter to cover the cost. Most copies are given away free.

Our goal is to help church planters, not compete for their funds. Yet, God has shown us that with proper funding we can help many more existing churches experience revival and new church plants get off to a good start.

In addition, we are positioned to help churches that need a boost, but are unknown to prospective donors.

Some churches send monthly support to us as part of their missions fund. We are looking for more partners to do the same.

Will you support Save New England personally or as part of your Church missions program?

All funds will go toward our mission. No salaries will be taken from the money received.

Support will be processed through Curtis Corner Baptist Church in Wakefield, RI. A quarterly report of income and expenses will be included in the quarterly magazine for accountability.

We have a proven model with years of success led by faithful pastors with decades of experience.

The future is bright. Opportunities abound. Will you help us financially so we can save New England?