Great Blessings On The Road

Great Blessings On The Road

As I review all the opportunities of ministry on the road since my last writing, I am amazed, humbled, and blessed that the Lord would use me. On The Road In September I have stayed busy these past autumn months. In September I once again filled in for Pastor Nick...
Bivocational Ministry

Bivocational Ministry

Many of us in the ministry have been, or are currently, “bi-vocational.” Simply put, we have to work another job to properly care for our family and meet our needs. Our church is not able to financially provide for a full-time pastor, but it is our desire to pastor...
Providence Gospel Crusade Update

Providence Gospel Crusade Update

Over the past several weeks, I sort of feel like the Apostle Paul, as I have gone to churches to share a report of what God did during our Providence Gospel Crusade. What a mighty God we serve! Acts 14:26,27 “And thence sailed to Antioch, from whence they had...
H.E.L.P. Day Update 2023

H.E.L.P. Day Update 2023

Save New England held a H.E.L.P. DAY twice during the Spring quarter of 2023. Our first event helped Pastor Jared Dunbar and the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Peabody, MA, on April 11th. We were thrilled to have seven preachers come to the meeting. Bro. Dunbar gave a...
Great Blessings On The Road

Blessings On The Road

Since our last magazine issue, the Lord has brought more opportunities to be on the road to help pastors and get the Gospel out in New England!  It’s always a blessing to be in a new church and fill the pulpit when a pastor needs a preacher. It’s been my privilege to...
Great Blessings On The Road

Blessings On The Road

This trip was my first representing “Save New England” as a bilingual evangelist. I covered over two thousand miles, going to six churches in the Midwest in three weeks. My first stop was at Grace Baptist Church in Sidney, OH, where Pastor Jim Alter is the pastor....