Since our last magazine issue, the Lord has brought more opportunities to be on the road to help pastors and get the Gospel out in New England!
It’s always a blessing to be in a new church and fill the pulpit when a pastor needs a preacher. It’s been my privilege to do so in Wells and Hebron, Maine, as well as Nashua, NH.
In April, I spent a weekend with Pastor David Peterman and the church family at Open Bible Baptist in Ascutney, Vermont. I enjoyed seeing what the Lord is doing there. The church there is growing, and I believe God is using this servant of God in a very needy part of our country along the Vermont and New Hampshire border.
I was needed to lead the music at a Spanish church during the Easter weekend in Yonkers, New York, and get out the Gospel with Pastor Rolando Arias in northern Manhattan. It was a great weekend of fellowship and serving the Lord. This month I filled in for Pastor Jeremy Martinez at one of my supporting churches in Moscow, Maine, and gave an update as well.
I spoke at a men’s conference at Landmark Baptist Church in Loudon, New Hampshire, on a Saturday evening and had a great time of food and fellowship. God worked in our hearts, and the response was good. I stayed there to preach on Mother’s Day Sunday morning.
At this writing, I am preparing to leave tomorrow to preach in two churches on Sunday, one in Chesterfield, New Hampshire, and the other in Clinton, Maine.
Of course, the Save New England Conference in April was an uplifting, spiritual motivation and challenge. I was glad to be there! Perhaps you could attend our Fall Conference on October 16-17 in Wakefield, Rhode Island. Would you pray about it?
An inspiring opportunity for me has been helping Pastor Jacob Berry. He will start a new church in Waterville, ME, the Heritage Baptist Church, on June 18th. I’ve been with him knocking on doors three times, and God has given us good contacts. Most people have been receptive, and Pastor Berry had eight people attend the Bible study in his home this last week.

Pray that the Lord will continue to work in hearts and provide the financial support that Pastor Berry needs. Also, he has been praying about the right location to start the church. Right now, the Lord is opening a door of opportunity for the church to have a place to meet on June 18th. How exciting! I plan to continue going out with him once a week in door-to-door evangelism. Please pray for this new church plant.
The Apostle Paul in I Corinthians 3 spoke about other preachers besides himself that had an impact for Christ at the church in Corinth.
He said that he, as a church planter, “planted” and Apollos “watered,” but God “gave the increase.” He also said that he, as a church planter, and Apollos as a “visiting preacher,” are “one.” So, they were on the same team with the same goal and desire – that God would increase the church.
As an evangelist with Save New England, I believe my ministry is to “water” what pastors are planting weekly throughout the year. Our desire at Save New England is to partner with pastors of local churches, working together to see God give the increase!
Contact us. We would love to partner with you in any way that could help you to reach New England for Christ!