SAVE NEW ENGLAND is an Independent Baptist Ministry creating awareness and assisting churches in 3 vital areas of God’s Work.

Preaching Revivals
Pulpit Supply
Quarterly Magazine
Prayer Meetings

Training Soul Winners
Teaching Clinics
Training Resources
Church Staff Internships
Visiting Groups
Anchor Church Support

Planting Churches
Financial Support
Church Planter Assistance
Promoting The Need In New England
Church Restarts
Pastoral Candidates
Do You Have A Burden For Souls In New England?
Do you want to help start strong Independent Baptist churches?
Do you want New Englanders to be saved from Hell?
Do you long to see true revival?
If so, we invite you to help us! Our ministry is unique in its people, process, and product. We are attempting great things for God and expecting great things from God!
Here are four simple ways you can help us SAVE NEW ENGLAND:
Pray daily.
We are on the front lines of spiritual warfare. New England will not be saved unless God moves in consistent and powerful ways. Put our ministry, our pastors, and our church planters on your daily prayer list. If possible, we would love to be on your church’s prayer list too. The more prayer to God on our behalf, the better!
Provide financially.
Doing God’s work requires money. You must set financial priorities for yourself and your family. Make sure that you are laying up treasures for yourself in Heaven as part of your financial plan. Tithe to your local church. Get behind the causes that your pastor promotes. In addition, pray about what God would have you do to support SAVE NEW ENGLAND. Monthly or one-time gifts are helpful as we promote revival, train soul winners, and plant churches. Our pastors personally sacrificed to begin SAVE NEW ENGLAND. Will you help us do more for God?
Partner faithfully.
There are opportunities to serve other churches through SAVE NEW ENGLAND. You could partner with us in the following ways:
- Attend a conference.
- Attend a Soulwinning Saturday group helping a church planter.
- Donate your business skills to help us do our work behind the scenes.
- Schedule our speakers for a Revival, Missions Conference, Mission Sunday, Soulwinning Training, etc.
Promote socially.
The internet and social media are powerful tools. You can follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. Make sure to like and retweet or share to increase our exposure to the world. This simple act can multiply our ability to help people. If you are a Church Planter, Evangelist, Preacher, Pastor or Church Member, you can contact us below.
Partner With Save New England Ministry Today!

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