Elements Of Faithful Families

Elements Of Faithful Families

Without a doubt, there is an added attack upon biblical, traditional families today! Ephesians 5:21–25“Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife,...
Looking Where There Is Nothing

Looking Where There Is Nothing

So many times today, preachers are looking for a relaxing and easy ministry. Perhaps they seek a stable church with an existing foundation and tithing members. Although these positions may open when a seasoned pastor retires, or graduates to Heaven, this is not how...
Mental Health And The Preacher

Mental Health And The Preacher

As you speak with preachers across America, it is an undeniable fact that the past couple of years have been some of the most trying when it comes to the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of ministry. We have all had people close to us who have been very sick,...
Faithful To The End

Faithful To The End

I want to be faithful to the Lord. Of all the characteristics that I desire to be said of my life, that is one of the most important. I wonder how many times we as Pastors have encouraged our people to be faithful throughout the last year. We encouraged our members to...
Healthy Fruit

Healthy Fruit

Take a good look in the mirror of the Word of God and see what kind of fruit you are producing. Is it the type of fruit that God ordained to remain? There is no doubt that these challenging times make it difficult to accomplish God’s work and ensure that our...