Blessings On The Road

Blessings On The Road

Since our last magazine issue, the Lord has brought more opportunities to be on the road to help pastors and get the Gospel out in New England!  It’s always a blessing to be in a new church and fill the pulpit when a pastor needs a preacher. It’s been my privilege to...
Looking Where There Is Nothing

Looking Where There Is Nothing

So many times today, preachers are looking for a relaxing and easy ministry. Perhaps they seek a stable church with an existing foundation and tithing members. Although these positions may open when a seasoned pastor retires, or graduates to Heaven, this is not how...
Blessings On The Road

Blessings On The Road

This trip was my first representing “Save New England” as a bilingual evangelist. I covered over two thousand miles, going to six churches in the Midwest in three weeks. My first stop was at Grace Baptist Church in Sidney, OH, where Pastor Jim Alter is the pastor....
How To Help Special Needs Families

How To Help Special Needs Families

Have you ever wondered what was the “right thing” to say to a family with a special needs child? We live in such a hyper-sensitive society that oftentimes we clam up when we don’t know the right thing to say. Maybe you’ve felt awkward around a special needs family at...