Elements Of A Healthy Church

Elements Of A Healthy Church

How do you keep the church healthy in an unhealthy world? The local church is the Body of Christ, and great attention must be given to the matter of maintaining a healthy body. …“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as...
The Anatomy Of Compromise

The Anatomy Of Compromise

Compromise is a spiritual plague sweeping across Christendom. Learn how to recognize it so you can prevent it from destroying you and your church. Every generation must fight its own battles over compromise. If we are to successfully steward the Truth and pass it on...
Who Do I Follow?

Who Do I Follow?

Who you choose to follow determines much about your future. Use these principles to discern what influences you allow in your life and ministry. The Apostle Paul addressed this question on several occasions in his letters to the churches and the young men he was...
A Pioneer Testimony

A Pioneer Testimony

Is it possible to start a family church in Boston? Here’s my pioneer story.  I was born in poverty to tenant farmers in rural Maryland in 1943. I was the middle child of two siblings with parents that were very religious Lutherans. I was told that I was baptized...
Men Wanted!

Men Wanted!

Ernest Shackleton placed this ad because he wanted a crew for an Antarctic expedition. It is said that 5,000 men applied for the job. The ad understated the dangers. Shackleton’s 1914-1917 Antarctic expedition became a breathtaking tale of hardship and survival....