Faithful To The End

Faithful To The End

I want to be faithful to the Lord. Of all the characteristics that I desire to be said of my life, that is one of the most important. I wonder how many times we as Pastors have encouraged our people to be faithful throughout the last year. We encouraged our members to...
Will You Help Us Save New England?

Will You Help Us Save New England?

Save New England is entering its fifth year of existence. God’s blessings have been evident and abundant. The Lord is expanding our ministry to new levels of influence and effectiveness. In order to take the next step, we are providing the opportunity for...
Five Areas Of Stewardship

Five Areas Of Stewardship

The Bible Doctrine of stewardship is an important concept for each Christian to learn. It is a completely different mindset than how the world-system operates. The world operates by ownership. “It’s mine so I’ll do what I want” is the prevailing attitude. Stewardship...