Everywhere Preaching The Word

Everywhere Preaching The Word

Acts 8:4″Therefore they that were scattered abroad went time to seek and to save the every where preaching the word.” This winter, the Lord has given me opportunities to present the need in New England at a missions conference in the Midwest and fill in...
Blessings On The Road

Blessings On The Road

This trip was my first representing “Save New England” as a bilingual evangelist. I covered over two thousand miles, going to six churches in the Midwest in three weeks. My first stop was at Grace Baptist Church in Sidney, OH, where Pastor Jim Alter is the pastor....
Fall Conference Report 2022

Fall Conference Report 2022

The Lord met with us powerfully during the Fall SAVE NEW ENGLAND Conference! God anointed each part of the meeting. The congregational singing was inspiring, the special music was moving, the preaching was convicting, and the teaching was transforming. Pastor John...
How To Help Special Needs Families

How To Help Special Needs Families

Have you ever wondered what was the “right thing” to say to a family with a special needs child? We live in such a hyper-sensitive society that oftentimes we clam up when we don’t know the right thing to say. Maybe you’ve felt awkward around a special needs family at...