Waterville Church Plant Update

Waterville Church Plant Update

God has been busy here in Waterville, Maine. Since we arrived in April, we have seen over 70 souls come to Christ and have added eight people to the church. How wonderful our God is! We started Heritage Baptist Church on June 18. The people in this city are incredibly...
Implementing Bible Standards

Implementing Bible Standards

One of the most important issues for a young preacher is determining how to implement standards. It may come as a surprise to him that believers would need guidance as to attire, music, entertainment, and a whole host of other questionable matters. The preacher who...
H.E.L.P. Day Update 2023

H.E.L.P. Day Update 2023

Save New England held a H.E.L.P. DAY twice during the Spring quarter of 2023. Our first event helped Pastor Jared Dunbar and the Tabernacle Baptist Church in Peabody, MA, on April 11th. We were thrilled to have seven preachers come to the meeting. Bro. Dunbar gave a...
A Heart Test For Revival

A Heart Test For Revival

Widespread revival begins in the heart of a single Christian. Is your heart ready for revival? God will only save our country when American Christians follow His plan for the salvation of a nation! Are you following the admonition for revival found in 2 Chronicles...
The Cry Of The Unknocked Door

The Cry Of The Unknocked Door

As I would drive the backroads each week, I passed the same houses on the same roads. As I passed by, I began to hear the cry – the cry of the unknocked door. Before I moved to the Chicagoland area, I went to a small Bible college outside of Indianapolis for my first...