Apathy: The Barrier To Revival

Apathy: The Barrier To Revival

As we bear in mind that the point of revival is for us to be what we should be, this promise bears both assurance and accusation. It assures us that if we hunger and thirst for the righteousness that revival brings, we can have it. Along with this assurance comes the...

The Race To Ruin

The Race To Ruin Many churches are racing toward ruin as they compete for crowds using worldly philosophies. Don’t let unproven trends cause your church to lose what makes it special. …Luke 9:57–62“And it came to pass, that, as they went in the way,a certain man...
Great Blessings On The Road

Great Blessings On The Road

As I review all the opportunities of ministry on the road since my last writing, I am amazed, humbled, and blessed that the Lord would use me. On The Road In September I have stayed busy these past autumn months. In September I once again filled in for Pastor Nick...
Soulwinning Intervention

Soulwinning Intervention

Soulwinning still works today. There has never been a greater time to go door to door. How can we win more souls? Luke 17:26–30“And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were...