Soulwinning Intervention
Soulwinning still works today. There has never been a greater time to go door to door. How can we win more souls?

The Success Of The First Century Church
When our risen Lord assembled with the early church in Acts 1, He instructed them to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost.

Bivocational Ministry
Many of us in the ministry have been, or are currently, “bi-vocational.” Simply put, we have to work another job to properly care for our family and meet our needs.

Elements Of Faithful Families
Without a doubt, there is an added attack upon biblical, traditional families today!

Stirred For Souls
Paul was waiting in Athens for members of his team. I’m sure he was praying, planning, and preparing his heart, mind and strategy to reach the souls of this needy city.

We CAN Save New England
New England. Is it a hopeless spiritual graveyard or an open door ready for revival? Find out why I believe we can win souls, plant churches, and experience revival in New England.

3 Ways You Can Help Us Plant More Churches In New England
If we hope to turn America back to God, we must Save New England. Its influence is affecting you every day even if you don’t realize it. Here are three ways you can help us plant churches in New England. COME God still calls men to do His work. How shall the...

Waterville, Maine
Waterville has been on our prayer list of towns that need a church for over a decade.

Boston, Massachusetts
Boston is the largest city in Massachusetts. In fact, it is the most populous city in the five states that make up New England. It is the economic and cultural anchor of the metropolitan area known as Greater Boston.

Newport, Vermont
When looking through New England for places to start a church, it would be easy to overlook this small city of 4,000 people. However, there is more to this area than meets the eye!
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Save New England is an Independent, fundamental Baptist ministry creating awareness around the country and helping churches in three vital areas:
- Revival
- Soul Winning
- Church Planting
Save New England is a ministry of Pastor Paul E Chapman & Curtis Corner Baptist Church in Wakefield, RI.
New England Churches receive discounts or increased quantities with items purchased through Add To Your Faith Publications.