Great things happened at the Spring SNE Conference!

Several years ago I had an older preacher recount an occasion in which he was feeling discouraged and “spiritually-down” while traveling between preaching meetings. While having his spiritual pity-party, he was stuck in traffic on a major interstate and frustrated about the delay.

While having this conversation with himself about the current situation and discouragement he was feeling, he noticed several construction signs lining the road as he crept along in traffic. Just as he was to pass one sign that was bent over because of the wind blowing, this sign straightened up, and he was able to read what it said. It simply stated, “Fresh Oil Ahead.” This sign was referring to the paving that was taking place on the road, but God had another meaning for that preacher. God was saying to His servant, “Stay at it, don’t be discouraged, there is fresh oil from the Holy Spirit just ahead as you remain faithful.”

I believe God gave us fresh oil during our Save New England Conference at Granite State Baptist Church in April. My, oh my, did God move in our midst throughout the two days we met together. From the first, “Hallelujah,” to the last, “Amen,” God uniquely met with us. We had 25 preachers attend the meeting. Many offered testimonies of how God helped and encouraged them. This was the first Save New England conference for a few pastors. They voiced the excitement for what God was doing across our region and in the churches.

We can make a difference in New England!

The words “comradery” and “unity” were repeatedly used to describe the conference which is a tremendous blessing to my heart personally. Pastor Ed Prescott, Cornerstone Baptist Church in Goffstown, NH, has said, “The communication and teamwork among churches, pastors, and church planters here in New England thrills my soul more than ever before. God sure is using it and has His

hand upon it!” Every message and teaching session had the touch of God upon it and timely for the hour. We left challenged, encouraged, and equipped to reach further for the cause of Christ here in New England than ever before.

I know that there are always meetings that can be attended, but we desired that this would not be “just another meeting.” We prayed that God would meet with us and refresh the souls of His servants. I believe that God gave us that “fresh oil” that the old preacher was speaking of that God promised to him. If you were here with us, then encourage others with God’s goodness poured out on us during the meeting.