Escape the spiritual pitfalls of summer by following these simple tips.

The trees are budding; the flowers are blooming; the grass is growing. Before we know it, school will be out with summer vacation upon us. Why is it that Pastors are already dreading this time of year? They plan special meetings and yearly budgets to accommodate for plans to help their people have a spiritual summer. Usually, people go into summer with the mentality to take some time off and relax before entering the grind of school and winter again. Unfortunately, some take a vacation from God as well.

By taking heed to proper Biblical principles and practices, each of us can have the best spiritual summer we have ever had and even the spark of revival going into the Fall. Here are a few simple tips for staying close to God throughout these months and continuing to grow in our walk with God.

Commit to Faithfulness

Schedules get busy. Summer camps are in full swing. Before you know it, personal devotions are slacking off, and church services are missed. Most believers would not say that they desire to skip church services and let up on reading their Bible this summer. If we are proactive in our scheduling and decision-making, we can hinder these obstacles from affecting our spiritual lives.

Before our “Summer schedule” is fully upon us, each of us should make the commitment in our hearts, and with our families, to remain faithful to God throughout these months. It is not just the faithfulness to regular church services that needs to be committed to but also our daily walk with God through the Scriptures and our prayer time.

As a Christian father, mother, husband, wife, or child may it be settled in our hearts, before the summer even begins, that nothing will interfere with our faithfulness to God, His House, or His time in our lives this summer. Commitment followed through with dedication will result in a vibrant, spiritual summer.

4 Tips For A Spiritual Summer

Capitalize on Witnessing Opportunities

As a Pastor, I love it when the weather is turning warmer, and the Spring and Summer thaw are taking place. Everywhere you see that people are moving around and beginning to stretch the winter-stiffened muscles and bones. For example, go to any home improvement store on a Saturday and watch the number of people preparing for their projects.

If we are not careful and Spirit-led, then we can miss out on several opportunities to share the gospel with souls that we would otherwise not meet. Spiritual Christian must be attentive throughout these months to the multitudes that we will come in contact with during our regular daily lives.

Beyond the daily walk of life, summer time is an ideal time for individual and church ministry at the local park, basketball court, or ball field. Families and young people from all areas of life will congregate at places like this. If we are sensitive to their spiritual needs, then we can capitalize on these opportunities to share the gospel with them. Let’s pay close attention to the multitudes of people around us this summer and seize every opportunity to be a soul-winner for Jesus.

Commune Intimately with God

One of the most popular statements said about summer is, “Thankfully; I will have more time.” Many times this is true. Yet, it is easy to allow the extra time we have to fill with sleep or recreational activities.

During the summer it is a wonderful opportunity to avail ourselves of the extra time to spend with God. If the time in the morning is not rushed with breakfast and getting to school then what an opportunity to be in our Bibles and our prayer closet with God.

I used the word, “intimately,” to describe how our relationship should be with God throughout the summer months and, in reality, year-round. Make sure you are spending the time in your personal devotions and spiritual walk that God this summer. Can you just imagine what God could do if you made the commitment to use the extra time you have this summer to spend with God instead of wasting it on things of this world?

Consider New Ministry Opportunities

Perhaps your church is like others and has the desire to start new ministries but always say that the Fall is the best time because people are settling back into their “regular” schedule. Why not look at how you can involve yourself, your family, or your church in a new ministry for the summer? There may be an avenue of ministry that you have never considered but would be very beneficial to the Lord’s work over the summer.

The local park will be packed with young people. You could take some friends to play basketball with them. Young mothers and families will be walking the city paths. You could meet and interact with them for the purpose of spreading the gospel. The opportunities seem to be endless in the area of summer ministry. This summer may be the perfect time for you to start something great for God.

Do not let this summer come and go without growing closer to God. Dedicate this summer to the Lord in your personal life, soul-winning time, and ministry outreach. You don’t need to wait until your church’s Fall Revival to have a vibrant and productive Christian life. If you follow this advice, you will be closer to God than when summer began.