Preaching Against Sin

Preaching Against Sin

Most churches aren’t preaching against sin anymore. Many Christians reject preaching against iniquity. Learn why we must preach against sin and how to do it. A church that does not preach against sin is a defective church. A preacher that doesn’t preach...
Reviving A Dying Church

Reviving A Dying Church

Save New England does more than help plant new churches. We assist existing churches to help them revive and thrive. Unfortunately, dying churches exist, and it’s a problem across our country. In 2009 I became the senior pastor of a dying church. The Church had a rich...
Reclaiming A Missionary Spirit

Reclaiming A Missionary Spirit

We are called to win the world, not build comfortable lives. What are you sacrificing for the Gospel? Jesus Christ, our Lord, left His people with an audacious goal. Preach the Gospel to every creature. Every generation of believers is responsible for going into all...
Pastors Don’t Grow On Trees

Pastors Don’t Grow On Trees

Pastors are crucial to God’s work. As we endeavor to plant churches, we must have more men of God. But where do we find them? Have you ever considered where pastors come from? It may seem like a weird question at first glance, yet it is vital that we know the...
Biblical Success

Biblical Success

How would you define success? It is vital that you adopt the Biblical definition. Without it, you are wide open to Satanic attack. If you can’t define true success, you can’t achieve it! Learn the true definition of Biblical success and how to achieve it....