by Paul Chapman | Jul 27, 2023 | Revival Articles
Pressure to compromise comes from all sides. Are You Able to Resist? We live in days of apathy, apostasy, and compromise. Alarming numbers of professing Christians are turning from the proven paths of faithful church attendance, belief in the Word of God, and Biblical...
by Paul Chapman | Jul 27, 2023 | Ministry Articles
We have lost far too many Christians to a phenomenon that I call liberal drift. While the word liberal has a generally positive connotation in the Bible, it can also mean “licentious or free to excess.” This type of liberalism is the sin of giving oneself license to...
by Paul Chapman | Jul 27, 2023 | Ministry Articles
Cancel culture is not new. It has been an effective tool of Satan since the beginning of the local church. The first century church thrived in spite of it and we can today as well. In recent years, we have seen liberal politicians ally with traditional media and big...
by Paul Chapman | Jul 27, 2023 | Revival Articles, Soul Winning Articles
“Soul winning is reminding people who are dead in their sins that there is a God to Whom they must give an account. ” Bringing people to Jesus is a priority for every serious Christian. Learn three Bible truths that will help you implement the doctrine of personal...
by Paul Chapman | Jul 14, 2023 | Revival Articles
In a world of chaos, God’s people need to know the Bible way to rise above the drama, overcome Satanic division, and find the peace that only comes through Christ. The world is in chaos today. More examples of riots, racism, terrorism, bigotry, class warfare,...