2 Timothy 4:10
“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia.“
What do you think of when you hear the name Demas?
We know little about the man named Demas. However, the information we do have tells a sad tale.
Demas was one of the Apostle Paul’s ministry partners.
In Colossians4:14, he is mentioned as a respected and well-known believer.
Colossians 4:14
“Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you.“
In Philemon, he is called a fellow laborer in the company of Mark and Luke.
Philemon 24
“Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my fellowlabourers.“
The last time we hear of Demas is in Paul’s final letter. The aged Apostle is about to be executed. He is sharing His heart through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. He pens these fateful words.
2 Timothy 4:10
“For Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed unto Thessalonica; Crescens to Galatia, Titus unto Dalmatia.“
To me, this is one of the saddest verses in all the Bible.
There have been many “Demases” throughout history. The names and faces change, but the story is the same. Compromise. Betrayal. Defeat.
We live in days of apathy and apostasy.
Alarming numbers of professing Christians are turning from the proven paths of faithful church attendance, belief in the Word of God, and Biblical principles of life. Instead, these wayward souls embrace modern philosophy, pragmatic hedonism, and worldly living.
Shockingly, some so-called believers even turn from their previous professions of faith, saying they no longer believe in God or the Saviour!
To make matters worse, far too many preachers and pastors called to lead God’s people through the treacherous pitfalls of life are AWOL in their spiritual duties. Rather than fulfilling their duties as watchmen on the wall warning of danger, they have become apologists for casual Christianity and worldly living.
Compromise is a spiritual plague sweeping across Christendom.
“Progressive” pastors are leading once faithful churches away from the well-worn paths of strong Bible preaching, confrontational evangelism, and personal holiness into the dangerous quicksands of unproven trends, personal preferences, and lukewarm living.
These unfaithful shepherds are exchanging Bible-based Gospel songs and hymns for the weak theology and devilish rhythms of worldly counterfeits. They refuse to take a firm stand on God’s Word, taking a disastrous “use what version you are comfortable with” approach. Their own families become compromised with worldliness rather than trying to save sinners from it. Their churches become social clubs that share the Gospel instead of Christ’s churches, which preach the whole counsel of God.
Encouraging “talks” and self-help seminars have replaced Spirit-filled Bible preaching.
The spiritual temperature is dropping in the pew as well. While strong Christians encourage the pastor to preach the Word and “tell it like it is,” a growing number of churchgoers are crying for their “rights” like petulant children, complaining when God’s Word convicts their double heart. Far too many believers visit God for an hour on Sunday morning rather than making Christ the center of their lives.
Oh yes, my friend, we live in days of apathy and apostasy!
How did this happen? It all begins with one word – compromise.
Spiritual compromise is an ever-present danger.

Every generation must fight its own battles over compromise.
If we are to successfully steward the Truth and pass it on to the next generation, we have no choice but to understand compromise, recognize it, and reject it.
What is compromise? The word has two main definitions.
1. “To come to agreement by mutual concession.”
This form of compromise is beneficial and necessary in every relationship of life. No one gets their way all the time.
2. “To make dishonorable or shameful concession.”
This form of compromise is always wrong. Especially when it comes to the things of God – He is the only One Who should always get His way.
Christian compromise is the act of making shameful concessions to God’s Word and Will. It is departing from the Truth. A compromiser is one who leaves the doctrines and principles of God’s Word to reconcile a competing philosophy or way of life.
Compromise is a slow process. Compromise is a thousand small concessions in the heart and mind that eventually wear away the truth.
Compromisers Vs. Unlearned
It is wise to distinguish between compromisers and the unlearned. Not every Christian who holds an unbiblical position is a compromiser, heretic, or apostate. Some caustic preachers use those titles for anyone who doesn’t agree with them. We ought not paint with such a broad brush.
Many well-meaning people are doing their best with what they have been taught. Some of these unlearned Christians are more devoted than those who understand the Truth more perfectly. Wouldn’t it be great if some of them were teachable and willing to grow like Apollos? If so, we will need some Aquilas and Priscillas to guide them with love and patience.
Christian Compromise Is The Act Of Making Shameful Concessions To God’s Word.
A compromiser is one who knows the Truth and rejects it. Once, they accepted God’s Word on a matter, but now they water it down or reject it altogether.
There are many notorious examples of compromise among Christians. Examples of well-known preachers who have compromised are numerous. Countless more cases are not well-known.
Why are so many Christians compromising?
1. Satan is good at his job.
Little compromises lead to big changes. Satan didn’t encourage Eve to become a serial killer. He convinced her that the “forbidden fruit” was no big deal. In fact, the Accuser convinced her that God was
keeping her back from something that would improve her life – even make her a god! Countless Christians over the ages have fallen for the same lies. It’s the same play with different actors. We must be wise to the tricks of the devil. We are not ignorant of his devices.
Why Do Good People choose to compromise?
- Some compromise because of old age.
They get tired of fighting. They let go of doctrines and practices, not because they are wrong, but because they are difficult.
- Some compromise because of youth.
They have yet to settle their own thoughts about doctrine and practice and listen to the wrong people. They are led down the same destructive paths as previous generations but cannot see them because they lack context and experience.
- Some compromise by saying, “We can reach more people if we don’t preach about…”
This seduction is the same idea that ruined innumerable ministries, watering them down to the point of inefficacy. We never gain eternal ground by transgressing God’s Word or dismissing vital Bible doctrines.
- Some compromise by saying, “Only doctrine matters” and letting everything else go.
Sadly, they miss the point that they are trusting themselves to determine which doctrines are essential. Every doctrine of God is important – including the doctrines of righteousness, holiness, and separation. Biblical separation is a Bible doctrine.
- Some compromise by saying, “I will only Preach the Gospel.”
While that sounds spiritual, God gave us an entire Book to teach and preach. A Bible preacher will leave no stone unturned and no subject off limits as He expresses the whole counsel of God.
- Some compromise by saying, “If the Bible doesn’t mention it, I won’t preach it.”
This fallacy is rooted in a fundamental misunderstanding of God’s teaching methods in the Bible. Imagine how big the Bible would be if God mentioned every sin mankind would think of over Millennia. The Bible is already so big that most Christians don’t read it! The Bible is a book of principles. Much like an algebraic equation, these eternal principles can be applied in every situation throughout all generations.
- Some compromise by rejecting the standards and beliefs of their Christian parents.
Rarely will you see a first-generation Christian compromise with sin. He knows better. He was saved from it! Sadly, many second and third-generation Christians are compromising because they have never felt the deadly sting of sin.
- Some compromise because of discouragement.
They see liberal, compromising churches seem to thrive while they struggle in their own ministries. They begin to believe the lie that standards and doctrine don’t matter. They buy into the falsehood that life will get easier, the church will grow, and God will be pleased if they cater to the crowd. Don’t believe it! Success is not determined by full pews and offering plates. Success is relentless obedience to the Word of God. We will not receive Heavenly rewards unless we strive lawfully. (2 Timothy 2:5)
2. Most younger Christians have never experienced spiritual compromise from its genesis, so they don’t recognize it in its beginning stages.
They have heard of compromise in the past, but Satan veils it in each generation with new issues, people, and contexts. Often, the Devil frames compromise as “progress.”
Young adults have seen the end of compromise, but not its beginning and progression.
The older saints who have seen compromise before recognize it immediately. However, when they begin to warn others of the current compromise, too many younger Christians cry foul. The elder saints get accused of being too “old,” “rigid,” “unwilling to keep up with the times,” and “refusing to grow.”
Every young preacher and Christian should give gray-headed saints a hearing when they warn of compromise.
3. Our sinful flesh wants us to compromise.
“Don’t be so rigid,” our flesh exclaims. There is a part of every believer that wants to experience the pleasures of sin. Also, it longs to be liked and accepted at any cost. The sin nature desires the path of least resistance. Your sin nature cares nothing for your testimony or future. If it could, your flesh would slit your throat to get what it wants. Make no provision for the flesh.

4. Compromise is popular.
Nowadays, to be truly popular amongst unbelievers, you only need to take an unbiblical position. If you were a sodomite coming out of the closet or a “transitioning” Baptist preacher promoting “diversity,” you would be lauded on the nightly news and booked on the popular talk shows. However, you will be maligned if you preach against sin and take a stand against wickedness.
If you want to be popular, don’t be a Bible preacher.
Luke 6:26
“Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.“
Beware if everyone is speaking well of you. A preacher needs the heart of Christ and the hide of a rhinoceros.
Every generation must fight its own battles over compromise.
Can you recognize compromise? You must be able to recognize compromise because your future depends upon it!
In this message, we will compare spiritual compromise to the anatomy of the human body to learn what it looks like so we can root it out of our lives and ministries.
1. The HEAD of Spiritual Compromise.
Typically, compromisers are steeped in pride. They feel they know better and develop a critical spirit. They become judge and jury of right and wrong. Compromisers are critical of inconvenient truths and open- minded to new philosophies. A critical spirit is the devil’s ally. God wants us to be discerning but never critical. The difference between the two is more than semantics. It is vital.
John 7:24
“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.“
Once you become cynical and critical, you are well on your way to error. The Pharisees missed the Christ they were waiting for in part because their pride made them so critical that they could find no good in Him. Don’t make the same mistake.
Do The Right Things In The Right Ways. The Bible Is Not Only Our Message But Also Our Manual.
Compromisers are critical of old- fashioned church services, hymns, fundamentalism, soul winning, standards of righteousness, preachers, churches, and even the King James Bible.
Don’t start down that road. Be discerning, but not critical.
2. The HEART of Spiritual Compromise.
Although there are exceptions, the compromiser is convinced that his heart is in the right place. He “wants to do right” and is “trying to please the Lord.” Compromisers often feel that their “eyes have been opened” and now must be “true to themselves.”
I’m sure that’s how Eve must have felt right before the first bite of the forbidden fruit. However, she was deceived, and her husband followed her lead, plunging the human race into chaos and damnation.
Jeremiah 17:9
“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
The heart is deceitful. Don’t trust your heart. Trust God, His Word, and the faithful Christian leaders He put in your life to guide you.
Once a preacher is deceived, he preaches the new lies that he has believed.
Jeremiah 23:26
“How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart;”
Guard your heart. Protect it from Satan’s devices.
3. The MIND of Spiritual Compromise.
The mind of a compromiser is filled with questions and doubt. Satan is the master of asking questions to create doubt and then supplying the wrong answer to the questions that he encouraged.
Doubt is normal. We all have doubts at times. In fact, you can’t have faith if you don’t have some doubt. Trust in God’s Word is the answer. Do you believe God? Do you believe His Word? Put your faith in that, and doubt will flee.
Proverbs 3:5
“Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”
Compromisers lean too heavily on their own understanding. They rely on faulty logic and hyper-critical thinking at the expense of simple faith in God’s Word.
Also, the compromiser chooses a pragmatic approach to ministry. They are more interested in “what works” than what God commanded. Want a crowd? Throw a concert. Does someone say they can’t understand the Bible? Get them one that’s watered down and “easier to understand.” Listeners don’t like preaching on certain subjects? Don’t mention them.
It’s a good thing the prophets of old didn’t take that approach. Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Jeremiah didn’t choose an easy path when the ministry God called them to was difficult, and people didn’t listen.
1 Corinthians 8:1
“Now as touching things offered unto idols, we know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffeth up, but charity edifieth.“
If you are not careful, knowledge will fill you with pride. Just keep following the Bible and the Spirit. Do everything God has commanded you. Leave the results up to Him.
4. The EARS of Spiritual Compromise.
The ears of a compromiser are tuned into those who have compromised or those who encourage them to do so. They don’t hear or heed the warnings of the faithful.
Who do you listen to?
Who are you allowing to influence you?
What authors do you read?
What preachers do you listen to?
Proverbs 19:27
“Cease, my son, to hear the instruction that causeth to err from the words of knowledge.“
Eve’s sin was eating the forbidden fruit. Eve’s foolishness that led to the sin was listening to the serpent inthefirstplace. Ifyoulistento Satan long enough, he will change your mind.
Don’t lend your ear to backsliders, compromisers, or apostates. They will affect you adversely. Unbiblical instruction will cause you to err from the truth. Stop listening to it.
5. The EYES of Spiritual Compromise.
Too many Christians look to compromised preachers and ministries for direction and ideas. This is a grave mistake. It is a fact that you tend to move towards what you are looking at. That’s why it’s important to “keep your eyes on the road” when driving.
You might find a few things of value rummaging through the city dump, but the stench will stick to you long after you leave. Every compromiser can teach you something of value, but you can’t help but be moved toward error in the process. You can find all the truths and tools you need from the Scriptures, faithful preachers, and Christian writers who have not bowed to Baal.
Keep your eyes on the prize.
Philippians 3:14
“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.“
6. The HANDS of Spiritual Compromise.
Once the mind and heart are compromised, the hands are sure to follow. Compromisers don’t obey the Scriptures. They seek to do the right things in the wrong ways. One cannot win the prize if he cheats to win the race.
2 Timothy 2:5
“And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.“
God was not happy when King David put the Ark of the Covenant on a cart like the Philistines, and a man lost his life for it.
We should do the right things in the right ways. The Bible is not just a book of philosophies. It contains the methods we are to use. It is not only our message but also our manual.
Before implementation, new ideas, technologies, and methods must be compared with Scripture. New opportunities can be beneficial in carrying out the great commission, but others will violate Scripture. Choose wisely.
7. The FEET of Spiritual Compromise.
Compromisers spend time together. Their feet walk the same path.
Amos 3:3
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
Which conferences do you attend? With whom do you spend your time? From whom do you seek counsel? One man said, “Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” How true!
Many well-intentioned people have been destroyed because they spent time with fools. You are not the exception.
Proverbs 13:20
“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.“
Choose your companions wisely and you will become more wise. If you choose to spend time with likable, sincere fools, you will become one.
8. The SPINE of Spiritual Compromise.
1 Corinthians 16:13
“Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.“
God’s people are called to lead people to righteousness in a world of sin. We must swim upstream. This calling requires that we be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. The fight is long and hard. We must not waiver!
Typically, the compromiser loses his resolve to stand for truth and right. They categorize the unpopular principles of holiness as “gray areas” and expand the list of the things that “God doesn’t care about.”
With a laser focus on their flawed definitions of love and grace, these weak leaders leave the commandments of God and fulfill the desires of man. “I’m just tired of fighting,”is the confession of many a compromised pastor.
As Moses was on the mount talking to God, Aaron was fashioning a golden calf at the people’s request. You can’t please God and man all the time. Focus on pleasing God and leave the results up to Him.
Unfortunately, compromisers tirelessly criticize those who strive tostayfaithfultoGod.Itseemsthat by attacking those who still hold to the doctrines they left, they seek to soothe their own consciences.
9. The SPEECH of Spiritual Compromise.
The speech of the compromiser reveals the machinations of his heart.
Matthew 26:73
“And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech bewrayeth thee.”
Peter’s speech betrayed him to those at the fire during the trial of Christ. In the same manner, the speech of compromisers exposes them.
Some years ago, a faithful church member came to me after a sermon about biblical holiness in the Christian life and said that the message was legalism. The member had never used that term in the decade I had known them. I replied, “Who have you been listening to?” This person looked like they got caught with their hand in the cookie jar. I continued, “You know that legalism is a term that means adding works to salvation, but the liberals use it to criticize people like us who believe in personal standards of righteousness. Who have you been listening to?” Their speech exposed them. They had been listening to compromisers and their family has suffered for it.
Using buzzwords, phrases, philosophies, questions, and arguments promoted by known compromisers and unbiblical movements is an indicator of corrupt influence taking root.
Fill your heart and mind with sound doctrine, and your speech will take care of itself.
What can you do?
Here are a few thoughts to protect yourself from compromise.
1. Fill your heart and mind with Scripture.
2. Know what you believe and why you believe it.
3. Never be ashamed of God’s Truth. Proclaim it without shame.
4. Read and follow faithful men of God who have stood the test of time.
5. Stay Humble.
6. Keep yourself pure.
7. Hold yourself and others accountable to the Word of God. Your standard is not what you say, but what you allow.
The story of Demas is a cautionary tale warning every believer of the ever-present danger of compromise. The heartbreaking fact is that many good men have compromised. None of them woke up one day and said, “I’m going to compromise the principles of God’s Word upon which I’ve built my life and ministry.”
Compromise is a slow process. It is a thousand small concessions in the heart and mind that eventually wear away the truth.
May God protect us from compromise! Let’s resolve to be faithful to God and His Word as He strengthens us so we can win more souls to Christ. Whether you serve God from the pulpit or the pew, determine to recognize and reject compromise so we can pass on the unvarnished truth to the next generation.