Widespread revival begins in the heart of a single Christian. Is your heart ready for revival? God will only save our country when American Christians follow His plan for the salvation of a nation!
Are you following the admonition for revival found in 2 Chronicles 7:14? Search your heart using the following questions as a guide. These soul-searching questions are divided into the categories found in our text verse.
Take time to examine your heart. Consider each question. Allow God to guide you. Confess every sin, ask God to forgive you, and request strength for lasting change.
How close to God am I right now?
Am I really concerned about revival?
Am I willing to pay the price for revival?
Am I willing to do anything God wants me to do?
Is God FIRST in my plans?
Do I think too highly of myself?
Do I think too lowly of myself?
Do I always need to be the center of attention?
Do I deny myself daily to follow Christ?
Have I asked God for help?
Do my “hurt feelings” keep me from serving God?
Am I willing to forgive any wrong against me or against my family?
Do I look down on others in my heart? Do I have sinful pride in my heart?
Am I willing to ask forgiveness from those I have wronged?
Am I content with the blessings of God in my life?
Am I fully relying on God today?
Am I filled with the Holy Spirit?

2. PRAY.
Am I committing the sin of prayerlessness?
Do I have a set time to pray each day?
Do I have a specific place to pray each day?
Do I use a prayer list to guide my prayer time?
How much time do I spend in prayer each day?
Do I use a prayer journal?
Do I pray for my enemies?
Do I pray for forgiveness of my sins?
Do I pray for God to forgive the sins of others?
Am I praying for God to forgive and protect my nation?
Am I praying for the leaders of my church, community, and nation?
Do I receive regular answers to prayer?
Did I seek God’s face today?
Have I neglected the Word of God?
Do I desire the blessings of God?
Am I willing to deny myself to please my Lord?
Is it important to me what God thinks?
Do I seek God in my daily decisions? Do I seek God in my relationships?
Do I seek God’s direction for my life?
Do I pursue God as if my life depends on it?
Am I obeying God’s Word in my daily life?
Do I show God I love Him by keeping His commandments?
Do I long for God to smile at me because He is pleased with my life?
Do I choose God over sinful pleasure?
Have I forgiven everyone?
Is all resentment out of my heart?
Am I impatient?
Am I Irritable?
Am I offended easily?
Do I get angry?
Do I hold grudges?
Do I have enmity toward anyone?
Have I been dishonest with God?
Have I broken any promise or pledge made to God or to His church? My family?
Since my emergency or crisis has passed, have I kept the promises I made to God?
Am I envious of anyone?
Am I dishonest with others?
Am I too concerned about things?
Have I paid all my debts to others?
Do I have anything in my possession that does not rightly belong to me?
Do I have any habit which I should forsake?
Is there jealousy in my heart?
Do I have sinful pride in my heart?
Have I wronged anyone and failed to make restitution?
Is the reputation of others safe in my hands?
Have I been a talebearer or gossip?
Have I hurt someone, or my church, by needless talk about somone’s faults?
Even if it was true, did I glorify God by telling it?
Did I pray for those involved?
Is my heart honest and my mind clean before God?
Are my thoughts pure?
Am I faithful to my wedding vows in deed and in thought?
Do I have any secret sins that I excuse, but should forsake?
Have I forgiven those who talked negatively about me? my family?
Do I have a right attitude toward my fellow church members? My pastor? Church leadership?
Do I worry?
Am I anxious about things outside of my control?
Do I complain?
Am I guilty of the sin of unbelief?
Have I honestly tried to be a good witness for Christ?
It is a wonderful thing to be right with God. What peace and joy comes through full submission to Christ! Revival will only come when we are prepared for it in heart, mind, and action.
Revival always starts in the heart of one person. Perhaps you could be the spark of spiritual flame in your church or family.
May God give us revival in our hearts that will spread throughout the land!
This article was taken from addtoyourfaith.com