Bridgeport is the largest city in the state of Connecticut. There is no fundamental Baptist church within the city limits of Bridgeport. As with many places in New England, the city has a fascinating history that includes figures such as P.T. Barnum and Fanny Crosby. During the Cold War, the population and economy boomed due to defense-related manufacturing activites. Once the Cold War ended, manufacturing slowed to a halt and, with it, the economy. Bridgeport declared bankruptcy in the early 1990’s and has never truly bounced back. As a result, the median household income is $34,658 and there is an astounding 16.2% of families living beneath the poverty level. There is a spiritual dirth in Bridgeport as well.

No doubt that Bridgeport, CT stands as a city in desperate need of Christ. In addition to its physical poverty, the city stands in desperate spiritual poverty that only the Lord can change. However, nothing is too hard for God! The proven methods of Bible preaching, personal soulwinning, and sincere ministry can prevail when empowered by the Holy Spirit.
Bridgeport needs a man of God wholly surrendered and committed to labor in a challenging area for the long haul. A preacher who can defend the tenets of the faith against falsehood, connect with young adults and logically present Bible Truth will be successful in the long haul.
Population in 2022: 148,377 (100% urban, 0% rural)
Population change since 2000: +6.3%
Males: 74,366 (50.1%)
Females: 74,011 (49.9%)
Median resident age: 38.0 years
Connecticut median age: 40.9 years
How can we allow the largest city in one of the most influential states in America exist without a soul-winning church? Some good churches in neighboring cities are willing to help with money and manpower. Will you pray with us that God will send a man of God to preach Christ in this needy city?
Contact us if you are interested in supporting or starting a church in Bridgeport, CT.