We’ve had a huge answer to prayer in recent days. God gave our church a building!

I had the privilege of growing up in Connecticut, but I met my wife while attending Bible College in the Midwest. Soon after graduation, God began working in my heart about starting a church in the greater New Haven area. The greater New Haven area is one of the neediest areas of our state. It wasn’t long before God led my wife and me back to Connecticut where we started Harbour Light Baptist Church in June of 2000. We founded the church to establish a fundamental Baptist church that would see many souls saved and lives changed. God has blessed our efforts over these years; however, we believe there is much more that we can do.


For nearly twenty years, we have continually looked for an appropriate building.

Now, after twenty years of ministry this past December, a church building came looking for us! A lady I led to Christ about fifteen years ago eventually joined Harbour Light along with her husband. Recently one of their former church friends informed them that their church, First Baptist Church of West Haven, was closing in December. After inspecting the building, we met with the church leaders, and they accepted our offer of $250,000 to purchase their building. This building has approximately 8000 sq. ft. with a full basement, classrooms, and large fellowship hall. It is conveniently located near the center of West Haven and not far from our present meeting place. The building needs some updating and repairs, but it is usable immediately.

Unfortunately, our church does not have the financial ability to purchase this building. Still, we don’t want to miss this golden opportunity, so we are asking for help from sister churches.

Our first goal was to raise $50,000 for a downpayment, which was to be matched by a Christian ministry. We are happy to report that we reached that goal in February. Praise the Lord!

We have two more goals:

1. Approximately $50,000 more is required to remodel the building, of which $10,000 has already been donated. In addition, tradesmen have volunteered their time to do some of the work.
2. Our second goal is to raise the additional $150,000 to purchase the building with no debt or mortgage.

All of these goals seemed impossible just three months ago, but we are trusting God to help us buy this building and use it for His glory. Our church family has given sacrificially to the project, but they are limited in their ability. Your help and prayers are urgently needed.

I am available on Sunday and Wednesday evenings to present our ministry to churches that would be willing to help us with this great opportunity. We need to raise this money in the next couple of months, and we hope to close on the purchase by the end of April.

You may contact me at 203-231-9207 or pastorschwarz@ optimum.net. If God moves you to help us, you can donate through paypal or write checks to Harbour Light Baptist Church with “Building” in the memo section and send to Pastor Dale Schwarz, Harbour Light Baptist Church, 380 Boston Post Rd. Orange, CT 06477.

Thank you for your kind consideration.