Deciding where to go is one of the hardest things about soul winning. Over and over people ask, “Pastor, where should I go soul winning?” Because we do not plan ahead, we seem to always end up in the same place, or we get discouraged and don’t even go. Here in our passage, we see how Jesus answered the problem.

1. Jesus prayed before He went.

Notice that He did not pray in the “camel lot” as He rode out of the synagogue driveway. He got up very early in the morning and went and spent time with His Father and sought His advice about where to go for the day. Too many of us forget about this vital aspect of soul winning. We wait until the last minute to decide where to go. Often we wait until the last minute to pray. We wait and wait until it is too late; so we just go where we always go.

Soul Winning
2. Jesus did not allow others to dissuade Him from His plan.

The disciples came and found Him and told Him that all of the people in the nearby towns were looking for Him. They expected Him to go where these people were. The disciples had a plan contrary to His plan. They did have a pretty good plan, but God’s was better.

3. Jesus went where nobody else had gone.

He did not go to the local apartment complex, the trailer park, or the other “fishing holes.” He went to a brand new place because nobody else had been there. There was nothing wrong with the disciples’ plan except that the area had already been saturated. Jesus decided to go to the next towns. He went to a brand new place.

4. Jesus reached those whom others had forgotten about.

He reached the demon possessed in these towns. He reached a leper, and that man turned into a great soul winner in verse 45. Let’s not forget about those out of the way places that we all seem to overlook.

You cannot take the Gospel to the wrong area, the wrong door, or the wrong person.

As you drive around, talk to the first person you see. Also, look for new places to go soul winning.

Plan today where you will go soul winning next.