Every Christian in the world is either a Firework or a Flare. Which one are you?

Are you a Firework or a Flare? I realize it’s an odd question that you have probably never considered. However, I think this unusual query prompts some necessary self- inspection. Let me explain exactly what I mean by Firework and Flare. You can answer the question about yourself at the end of the article.

Without much thought, I think most people would respond that they would prefer to be a beautiful firework than a boring flare. Nevertheless, before you make up your mind, let’s consider our options.


Fireworks are beautiful. Personally, I have witnessed awe-inspiring fireworks displays. The bright colors, the loud noises, and the excitement of the crowd all work together to create a memorable experience. The most powerful displays I have witnessed also include patriotic music playing while watching the incredible displays of lights and sounds.


Dazzling displays of light and color with changing shapes and loud explosions excite crowds.

Once, I attended a fireworks show that even included a laser light show on the smoke of the exploded fireworks while new fireworks were exploding over our heads. It was thrilling! My favorite part of any fireworks display is the finale. The rapid succession of the fireworks mixed with ever impressive colors, changing shapes and increasing noise makes for a memorable ending to any show.

Fireworks are great while they last. Yet, I must confess that I usually have an empty feeling after they are over. I mean, they are great to look at, but they don’t really make a difference to life.


Signal flares are the exact opposite. They are simple, even boring. They only burn one color and don’t do any cool tricks or make any sounds other than a consistent hiss.

As a young boy, a friend and I were walking down some railroad tracks in the country. We found an unused handheld signal flare along the tracks. We did what any curious and foolish teen boys would do. We lit the flare to see what it could do. Both of us were surprised at the amount of light and heat it produced. It would even melt certain kinds of rocks we found. It seemed to last for hours while we walked and made designs in the air and played “Railroad.” Thankfully, we didn’t hurt ourselves or burn anything down. God was protecting us from out own foolishness!

I found out that day that flares were made to work. They are built to burn bright and last long in terrible conditions. In short, their purpose is to save lives. Countless lives have been rescued by flare guns on the waterways. Innumerable accidents have been prevented by flares on our roads and workplaces.

Which One Are You?

The two greatest differences between fireworks and flares are their purpose and durability.

Fireworks are finicky and easily stopped. Several times I have attended fireworks displays that have been delayed or canceled because of a little rain or bad weather. Fireworks are made to be seen. They live for the crowds and the applause of men. Fireworks require a separate ignition source to fire them up. They only function with motivation from the outside.

Fireworks are more concerned about how they look than fulfilling a necessary function. Fireworks are short-lived. They are not concerned with longevity, only making a good show.

Signal flares seem to be the exact opposite of fireworks. They are reliable in the worst of conditions. Rain or shine, cold or heat, they will light up and perform their duty. Flares have a built in ignitions system. They are self-starters and can function without outside motivation.


The boring, reliable burn of a flare is made to save lives during emergencies and prevent accidents.

Flares are not made to be pretty. They are made to save lives, not wow the crowds. They are happy to work in the trenches with no fanfare or applause. They can be counted on when lives are on the line. They are made to last until their purpose is completed.

In short; fireworks make an exciting display while flares make an eternal difference.

Every Christian in the world is either a Firework or a Flare. I have known many people of both kinds. Which one are you? Consider your devotion to Christ and your service to Him. Are you a firework or a flare? Ask God to make you a flare today!